Who Can Practice Tai Chi?
Over decades of tai chi practice, I have not met anyone who cannot practice at least some tai chi. Tai chi offers health benefits to anyone regardless of the individual’s level of fitness or mobility. Prior knowledge of tai chi or the set is not required when signing up for a class. (Mobility Challenged? Specialized classes for individualized instruction are available one on one or small groups.)What is Tai Chi?
Tai chi is a form of qigong practice which is a Chinese system of physical exercises to improve general health. Tai chi was developed to maintain or regain good health, by ancient Taoist sages in collaboration with Shaolin monks in ancient China.A tai chi set is a structured series of body postures attained through slow and continuous movement while either standing, sitting or a combination of both. The practice will gently stretch your entire body while maintaining alignment and balance. Besides the set, there are the tai chi ‘standing jongs’. These standing exercises are usually performed prior to the set. They are intended to strengthen, warm-up and loosen the body. The instructor will then guide you on how these ‘standing jongs’ are incorporated into and become various parts of the set. Regular practice of either the set or standing jongs or both will result in surprising health benefits.